The benefits of discovering your MBTI® personality type include:
Take this test to find out how ready you are to find your dream job.
How to purchase the tool The downloadable PDF is merely an overview of the tool we sell through this site. In order to ensure you select the right tool, we ask that you contact us first. Once we have determined you’re buying the right tool, we will send you the link to where you can pay for the tool online. […]
Using the Myers-Briggs® Assessment in Executive Coaching
Riding the Elevator Written by Zane Cameron Imagine you are riding an elevator. For you, the top floor is the logic and reasoning floor, a natural place to start when making decisions when you have a Thinking preference. The ground floor is the heart and values level (Feeling preference), the next level down for you when making a decision. For […]
Our owner is regularly invited on radio shows in order to share her expertise on human resources or coaching issues.
Listen to those podcasts for FREE or buy specific podcasts to help you better engage with your employees.
Il serait plus facile de se trouver un emploi à Toronto si l’on détient un diplôme d’études post-secondaires. C’est ce que révèle un rapport publié par le groupe Innovation Marché du Travail à Toronto. D’autres facteurs sont toutefois aussi à considérer, comme les demandes des employeurs et les changements organisationnels constants. Aline Ayoub, propriétaire et présidente de la firme Aline […]
Videos available for FREE viewing on great advice on people management for small businesses and career coaching for individuals.
Understand Your HR Needs Using SWOT
SWOT is a structured planning tool that helps you assess Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Listen to this video and learn how you can use this powerful too to your business.
We partner with the Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA) and have developed webinars adressing takent management, performance evaluation and much more.
Recognize, Reward and Engage your Multi-Generational Workforce
Learn how diverse experiences and attributes influence employee attitudes towards work. Is the multi-generational workforce the new face of diversity? This webinar explores the root causes of the differences among the generations in the workplace. Learning these differences–experience, levels of financial and family commitments, depth of personal development, political awareness, and emotional maturity— can help you more effectively manage, engage […]