Are You a “Jack-of-All-Trades” but a Master of None?

Blog located in Hiring & Employment, HR Solutions, Small Business posted on

Once you’ve out-grown your start-up status, you need to invest more in order to make more money.

You need to prevent costly and damaging expenses to your business. Don’t wait until firing an employee backfires on you.

Outsourcing Skills

Focus on what you are good at and outsource skills you know you don’t have but absolutely need in order to grow your business.

Every business owner can surely witness growth of their company soon after they acquire the services of an HR consultant. The business owner can use this saved time and effort for other productive tasks. This way, the recruitment of HR consultants will surely be cost-effective.

Generally speaking, the top three reasons for outsourcing HR are:

  • Better hiring practices
  • Access to skills and knowledge
  • Gaining better quality support than the business is able to offer in-house
  • Costs savings

Leave HR to the Experts

How do you hirethe right employee? How do you know your new employee will still look the same as the one you hired three months ago? How do you screen resumes? How do you use assessments? How do you helpyour employees reach their potential?

When you hire an HR consultant you free yourself oftime-consuming tasks, without compromising its quality. This enables you to spend that same time on other productive tasks.

Let’s face it: when you are the Jack-of-all-Trades, you compromise on quality. Choose not to be the Master of None.

Take a few minutes and answer the Are You A Hiring Fool Quiz.  Get to know if your hiring practices are hurting your business.

If you are a small business and would like to stop losing time and money on future hiring mistakes, tweet me on TWITTER, like me on FACEBOOK join me on LINKED IN – and let’s talk. Check our Human Resources Consulting services . We are Human Resources Specialists.


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