Change is Inevitable. Growth is Optional.

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In today’s business world organizational change is a requirement for success. Organizational change is needed to address innovation, new technology, shifting customer demands, and other business critical issues.

However, organizational change is not a “human resources thing”. It is the matter of owners, leaders and employees. They all have a stake in the change.



Ingredients for a successful change

  • Have a vision
  • Have a communication strategy
  • Stay close to the human side of change
  • Measure results as the change occurs
  • Evaluate
  • Make adjustments
  • Stay involved
  • Measure
  • Get ready for the next change

Change in inevitable

Being able to adapt and respond effectively in a constantly changing world has become a necessary skill. One that we can enhance and develop once we understand what goes on, on a personal level, when we are faced with change.

Have a Positive Orientation Towards Change

  • Know what you cannot control in a given situation
  • Recognize that disruptions are a natural response to change
  • Be creative and look for the opportunities that change creates
  • Utilize your personal resources and strengths to actively do the best you can

Are you ready for a successful change?

If you are a small business and would like to stop losing time and money on future hiring mistakes, tweet me on TWITTER, like me on FACEBOOK join me on LINKED IN – and let’s talk. 


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