HR Consulting for Small Business

HR Consulting for Small Business

How does our HR Consulting process work?

HR Consulting for small businesses is about much more than just hiring and firing. We provide leadership and act as mentors. We develop career development programs tailored to your small business. We help you with resolving employees’ conflicts and create a positive work environment.

We make sure you get a return on investment with our HR consulting for small businesses solutions.

Step 1 – HR Consulting Plan

While the number of employees in a company is one determining factor for HR needs, it is never too soon to increase your HR knowledge as a business owner. Why? No matter the size of your business, if you make HR mistakes you will most certainly be paying the price. This is a key reason why HR Consulting for Small Businesses is so important and unique.

The objective of the HR Improvement Plan is to investigate the existing employment practices, identify any gaps in current practice to ensure compliance with provincial and federal employment legislation, and foster a climate of continuous improvement.

The HR Improvement Plan consist of:

  1. Documentation collection
  2. On-site Review including one-on-one management and employee interviews
  3. Records Review
  4. Fix it Plan report

We will help you develop a workforce that is dynamic, diverse, agile, customer-oriented and drivers of the bottom line. And we can help you retain top talent at your small business.

Step 2 – HR Action Plan Prioritization

Together, we review the recommendations and scope the work required. You set the priorities and we guide you through the planning process, based on the following:

  • Where do you see your business in 3-5 years?
  • How is your company culture aligned with your business goals?
  • Is your organizational structure too heavy? Too light?
  • Are your employees contributing to the development of and the accomplishment of the organization-wide business plan and objectives?
  • Is the work designed in a way your employees can succeed and contribute to the growth of your business?

Our strategic HR solutions impacts the design of work positions; hiring; reward, recognition and strategic pay; performance development and appraisal systems; career and succession planning; and employee development.

You can’t run your company if you don’t have an accurate portrait of your current employee structure. This will help quickly give you answers on basic questions about where your recruitment efforts stand, how frequently your employees are leaving and how much value you’re getting for each employee.

Step 3 – HR Consulting Plan Implementation

Via our expertise in how to create a work environment in which people will choose to be motivated, contributing, and happy, we will develop effective methods of goal setting, communication and empowerment through responsibility and employee ownership of the organization.

We will establish the organizational culture and climate in which people have the competency, concern, and commitment to serve your customers well.

Here are some examples:

  • Overall talent management strategies
  • Employee development opportunities
  • Employees recognition program
  • Develop communication opportunities for employees
  • Link change to the strategic needs of the organization in order to minimize employee dissatisfaction and resistance to change

Step 4: HR Consulting for Small Business – developing metrics

We develop performance metrics dashboards in order to help you measure the results of your HR programs and practices. Key performance Indicators (KPIs) will measure how the HR function is doing as a whole and also how we’re leveraging the people in the organization to maximize the performance of your business.

Here are a few examples of KPIs:

  • Number of employees: How many employees you currently employ
  • Number of departures (planned versus unplanned): How many employees are leaving your company, broken down by those who have announced their departure in advance and those who haven’t
  • Attrition rate: The number of people who have left in a given year divided by the number of employees you have
  • Number of open job positions: The number of jobs you are actively seeking to fill
  • Job titles for vacancies in each department: The job titles for positions you are actively seeking to fill
  • Number of employees on-boarded: How many employees have gone through the process of receiving orientation for the company
  • Revenue per FTE employee: How much revenue you bring in divided by the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees you have

Step 5: Re-assess and maintain

Economist and research scientist Alec Levenson said we need a new approach to ensure strategies will not fail. That approach is called CARE.

Consistent—The data underlying the metric must be measured steadily over time.

Accurate—Information should be precise, with few to no errors in recording it.

Reliable—Your metrics must be a dependable proxy of what you’re ultimately trying to assess.

Efficient—The cost of collecting the data must be minimal.

We have implemented that approach. Because we care for our clients, we are consistent in our delivery, professional and experts in what we do. Our approach is Consistent, Accurate, Reliable and Efficient.


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