Freshii “helps people all over the world live healthier and longer lives by making healthy food affordable and convenient” says Ashley Dalziel, VP of people and culture at Freshii.
Millennials comprise 98% of their headquarters staff, but their turnover is incredibly low.
They owe it to millennials
One thing Freshii does very well is understand the Millennials’ needs and wants in the workplace. In our blog Are you Resisting Millennials?, we share tips on how your organization can better retain millennials. One tip is to get them involved in making your vision; to have them do work that matters.
Why is it so important?
Studies have shown that Millennials will reach 14% of the global workforce–as opposed to Gen X, who will decrease by 6%–by 2016.
Millennials are actually the most educated generation in the history of the world, and they have a great deal to offer our society and organizations. It may just come down to understanding and connecting with them. Boomers are in retirement, and it won’t be long before Gen X’ers cash in their pension plans.
Dive in
Whether you’re there already or working towards being there, you will need to hire Millennials at one point. Contrary to popular perception, Millennials are absolutely willing to put in hard work and long hours, and possess a distinct willingness to learn from Boomers and more experienced employees. It may require a change in your way of thinking. It might also require a change amongst the other generations in your workforce.
“Giving people autonomy over their own careers and empowering them to take on challenges is exactly why younger workforce is keen to stay,” says Dalziel.
Are you ready?