HR Workshops: Improve your Interview and Work Performance Skills
Popular Workshops by Aline Ayoub
How to Develop a Personal Brand
Have you ever thought of a cover letter as the precursor to a candidate acing or dying on the interview? I call this the Canary in the Coal Mine Syndrome. This is where in the old way of mining, the air quality in the mine was determined by whether the very sensitive canaries kept in the mine would die from lung poisoning or not.
Have you ever wondered why you are not getting the job you’ve been interviewing 8 times in a row for? Employers are in the driver’s seat in this super competitive market. They have many of you to choose from. So how do YOU get to be hired? How do YOU show-up as the solution to the employer’s problems?
In this workshop you will:
- Define your specialty
- Identify your innate skills
- Identify your transferable skills
- Sell yourself like Nike would
- Use the power of social media on your brand
Create a Resume That Stands Out
You only get one chance to make a good impression with your resume. You should be confident that your resume represents you, your skills, your experience and your fit for a position. It should also be picked out easily by recruiters from the crowd of resumes they receive.
If you are not confident that your resume is all that it should be and know it needs to be improved, please join us in this interactive workshop and learn how to connect your skills and experiences to create a resume that recruiters will notice.
We will help you create that stand out resume and show you how to customize your resume for each job opportunity so it engages the reader’s attention. You will also learn how to create your own “brand” to make it easier to be recognized and find the role that is right for you. You’ll create a modern, engaging, and strong resume that truly represents you, your skills and experiences.
In this workshop you will:
- Understand why resumes must change to get noticed
- Learn the elements of a strong resume and engage a reader’s attention
- Create a brand that will help you stand out above the crowd
- Learn how to customize your resume for each opportunity
- Learn how to keep your resume and your career in top form
Interviewing for Success
A strong resume gets you noticed. The interview is your first introduction to a new company and like your resume; you get one chance to make a good impression. Feeling prepared and confident going into an interview can give you an edge over other candidates.
We will teach you about how today’s interviews are conducted, and why. Learn about the different interview formats and styles, how to prepare for each of them and learn to respond to questions with the calm confidence that makes you stand out in a crowd of applicants. You will come away with the skills and confidence to represent yourself well in any interview.
In this workshop you will:
- Understand the formula and link between strong resumes and successful interviewing
- Have ability to prepare for any interview
- Reduce fear and anxiety. You’ll be able to respond like a pro and increase success
- Know how to craft your responses in an authentic manner
- Prepare confidently for any interview
Canada. What’s in it For You?
Adjusting to living and working in a foreign culture can be tough. Your adjustment can also vary according to your own circumstances – whether your family accompanies you, whether you are already familiar with the host country, whether you already know people living in the host country, and so on. Successfully adjusting to a new culture does not mean abandoning your own. It means integrating to the host country by understanding the new culture. (As opposed to criticizing it).
In this workshop you will learn:
- The features of Canada.
- The historical influences.
- The Canadian Identity.
- The Canadian values.
- Multiculturalism.
- Communication in Canada.
- The Concept of Culture.
- The different phases of culture shock.
Examples of topics we offer to Small Businesses:
Avoid the 3 Deadliest Hiring Mistakes
Did you know that finding, retaining and developing quality talent, are the primary challenges for 39% of business owners?
80% of employee turnover in small business is due to bad hiring decisions.
And that…
The average cost of a bad hiring decision can equal a third of the individual’s first year of potential earnings.
In this workshop you will:
- Hire people you will recognize three months in the job
- Avoid the three deadly hiring mistakes
- Develop a recruiting strategy which will lead yo towards the right people
- Develop interview questions
- Hire based on the best “fit” for the job
Human Resources 101 for Small Businesses
Learning objective: HR fundamentals to prevent litigation
- Address HR issues for small businesses:
- Weak hiring practices
- Trying to do HR yourself
- Lack of knowledge related to Employment Standard Act
Learn how to:
- Hire the right talent
- Contract versus job offer
- Retain the rising stars
- Avoid getting fined for non –compliance
Change Management
Learning objective: How to implement change and get the buy in of your employees
- Managing the transition:
– The human side of change
– Change versus transition
– Change management process:
– The roles of key players in change management
– What it takes to be a change facilitator or change agent - How to handle resistance to change
Strategic Business Networking
Learning objective: How to Convert Today’s Stranger into Tomorrow’s Client
- Networking is…
- Talking to strangers
- How to work the room like you own the space
- Follow 4 steps for success:
1) Have a plan
2) Get the lay of the land
3) Develop relationships
4) Follow-up
A Successful Company Profile to Generate Sales
Learning objective: How to develop a successful company profile
- Identify key characteristics and skills that make a successful entrepreneur
- Prepare a business plan
- Develop a business profile:
- Build a powerful vision statement
- Have a clear mission statement
You have a specific workshop requirement? Give us a call to discuss.
To register, call us at 416-540-9296